At the end of 2022, five of our Climate Clarity facilitators joined literally hundreds of freskers for an international mega Climate Fresk event.
Coordinated by the epic team at Super Egg, this project rolled out climate education to 934 members of staff at Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW), Europe’s largest commercial real estate company – that’s their entire administrative team. 134 workshops were delivered in 9 different countries in 7 different languages. All in the span of just 2 months.
It was a monumental effort and a great example of how quickly things can happen, when you set your mind to it.
Our team was delighted to take part in the London chapter, which took place at Westfield Shopping Centre in Shepherd’s Bush. They commented on how exciting it felt to be doing their small part (facilitating a couple of tables) in what they knew was a much bigger project. It was amazing to know that this company had taken a bold step towards making their operations more sustainable.
As such a major player in commercial real estate, we hope URW will take up the challenge and use their influence to push for meaningful change in their sector.
If you would like to see what changes are possible when everyone in your workplace is climate educated, get in touch at Our prices are negotiable, so do drop us a line to get a quote for a workshop and chat to our team about the Climate Fresk.
The fashion industry desperately needs to rethink its game, if we are to have a chance at staying within the emissions limits for a safe planet. The industry is responsible for a staggering amount of waste, pollution of ecosystems and freshwater sources, and up to 10% of global CO2 emissions. Humanity needs fashionistas to find more sustainable ways of operating!
If you work in fashion and dream of having a planet-friendly impact in your industry, get in touch at! We would love to work with you and support you to take a leading role in this important transition. Never underestimate the power of a small team who are all pulling in the same direction. You can do great things!