Beginner Facilitator's Climate Fresk Script

Below is a detailed script for an effective workshop. This is of great support to a beginner facilitator who is running a workshop. Try running some of your first Fresks while having this guide on hand to help you.

This script can be used in conjunction with the Facilitator’s Cheat Sheet and the Memo.

An effective workshop can be held by facilitating the science part of the workshop where the facilitator limits the amount of information they are sharing.

By giving only the information shown within this script, or less, it helps avoid information overload, and overwhelm, for participants.

For new facilitators who know a lot about Climate Science, we challenge you to facilitate a workshop only giving the info shown in this document. It will help those facilitators to not over-share.

Origins Of This Script

The building blocks of this script was the facilitation guide given to facilitators at large Climate Fresk roll outs at universities under the Climate Education Kick-Off programme. (CEKO)

It is an easy way in for a student or member of staff to deliver a consistent quality of workshop, for the University and community context, shortly after completing facilitation training.

In the UK, CEKOs have been rolled out at the University of Strathclyde, Imperial College London, and ESCP Business School.

If you want to explore rolling out a CEKO at an educational institution that you are part of, contact Rupert Horlick.